January Food Drive 2016

What a fantastic feeling we experienced once again…

In a very poor area where work is mostly seasonal 3 months a year and early grants paid in December, we had many smiles and thank you’s from very warm hearts. We were thanked over and over.

We fed 108 children, 43 families with cooked meals in Asbury, Montagu.
Plus each family received 3 food parcels.1 containing Dry foods, 1 with Potatoes/Onions and 1 with wet foods, Chicken Breasts and margarine.
We need to give huge thanks to Imagine Cruising SA for enabling us with funds to purchase these foods.
Thanks to Dulcie and staff at Sakhikamva ECD for allowing us to use the grounds and controlling the event.

Other recipients from Imagine Cruising SA donation:-

SPCA in Ashton:
A stand fan was highest on their wish list as the vets/staff need some cooling while doing operations on our 4 legged patient friends. We are elated to have helped them with one. But will need to get one for the office as its very hot in there. So too 10 each of A4 counter books, Exercise books, A5 Exercise, 5 A6 note pads, 20 Ballpoint pens, 6 container hand wipes, 3 Pump hand soaps plus 3 1lt refills & Box photocopy paper. A huge container of soft toys too.


Lingelihle Old Age Home in Zolani, Ashton:
Delivered an industrial gas 3 plate cooker, plus each elderly received a Hotdog, packet of biscuits & sweets. This home is in a very poor area and stealing of electrical cables is rife. The home constantly needed to find places in either Robertson or Montagu that will allow them to cook meals for the old folk when there was no electricity. No more they are now sorted with a gas cooker and can continue to run the home doing other important things. We are so pleased with this gift.


From Sonnendal Dairies: we received 780 yogurts.
This was divided up between all the children above, families, Sakhikamva ECD, Lingelihle Old Age Home, Huis Uitvlucht, Bram Frail Care Centre and tomorrow we will hand over 100 to Jenny Moors of Weskus Helpers NPO in Vredenburg.
We cannot thank you enough for your generous donation.


Other thank you’s:
Sharon Hunlun: Ram’s Montagu arm supplied a humongous pot of Butternut & Chicken Mince thick soup. This was part of our feeding scheme as above.
Sharon accompanied us from the first drop off until the last. Thank you Sharon as always you are so dependable and very giving. You make RAM proud. Sharon’s been with RAM for about 3 years now.

Alvin Oldale: Giving us his Vito bus for deliveries. You are an amazing person and have carried us in this venture for 4 years 8 months and I cannot thank you enough.

Steve Bruton: Without you, we would not be able to do this job. You are all strength and the hardest worker in the RAM family. Know we are very grateful.

Renette Read: thanks to your company, we handed out a 500g bag of dry soup powder to each and every family. That will keep them going with a slice of bread for the non-food days. It’s delicious and nutritional.

TO ALL OF YOU: Who brought soft toys for the animals, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. It means more than we could say, SPCA is very grateful. We are still collecting should anyone still want to donate. Thanks Deon Snyders for the ones you will be donating for the next delivery. Truly appreciate!

To an anonymous friend: thank you for the unused wheelchair you donated to RAM. Please know it means so much to Bram Frail Care Centre.

Lesley Adams & Donald Manual:- 2 Bags of chips (100 packets) dealt out to the children.

To Andriesa Jacobs, Dawn Apsey & Christelle thank you for helping with parcel packing. xxx

Desire October I know you offered a day leave to help but I landed in hospital, however we really appreciate the offer!

What an event for Ram. What a blessing to all. Thank you Lord.