Santa function for Lingelihle Old Age Home in Zolani, Ashton

Christmas Spoils at Lingelihle Old Age Home in Zolani, Ashton – December 2017

As always we had a good time with our elders. They ask for so little and give so much warmth back to us.


Thanks to all listed for making this day a memorable one.


To:- Imagine Cruising SA Imagine Holidays & Staff for the meals & Cupcakes
To:- Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages for Coke
To:- SARS Bellville Call Centre staff and friends for all the ShoeBox gifts. As she has always done, we thank Benitha de Gouveia for collating these with precision AND given the recipient list was very very last minute. You are all great!!
To:- Shoprite South Africa for donating a blanket to each elder. xx
To:- Oakland Dairies for delicious fresh milk to drink.
To:- Signage Installation & Services for the transport, refrigeration & inverters to keep foods etc at correct temperature.
To:- Nandi the Social Worker who had some fun with us. Thank you for coming in on a Saturday. You are a stunning women.
To:- The staff of this old age home – as always we thank you for all assisting and making our events so great!


Thanks also to Ram’ers Carol Muller, Steve Bruton & Stirling Williams for assisting.
Blessings in abundance.