
Drought Relief Project - Oudtshoorn 2019

Drought Relief Donors

A fellow non-profit organisation, South African Water Warriors, initiated and distributed the donations received from our fellow South Africans to the drought stricken area of our country.

The much-needed water, fodder, and groceries was delivered to a drought-stricken farming community in Oudtshoorn in the Little Karoo. The area is one which has been particularly affected by the drought in the region and where we have been assisting with emergency drought relief packages. 

We would like to thank our donors; Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages, Oakland Dairies, Imagine Cruising SA, Imagine Holidays, Signage Installation & Services, and Montagu Foods for their assistance and donations towards a great cause.

Thank you to Pieter du Plessis and Turnberry Boutique Hotel for arranging and providing accommodation. We had a much needed wonderful nights rest.

Thank you to Deon Smit and South African Water Warriors for your unselfish deeds to alleviate some of the sufferings of the drought-stricken Oudtshoorn.

We are forever thankful to Mans Vervoer Kraaifontein for your support, thank you to the amazing driver who maneuvered this huge truck to deliver the goods.

Convoy Arrival

A pleasant feeling of excitement, our expectations of something joyful and solemn was aroused among us as the convoy arrived. Look at how much was collected, and there is still more.

The Donations

We are more than happy to have received in-kind donations from across the country.

To be blessed

It is through the amazing support we received from our fellow South Africans that this drought relief project was possible. The blessings showered over Oudtshoorn, with many angels restoring hope, love, and life to our animals, farmers, and workers.

RAM’s 8th Birthday Celebrations - May 2019

What better way to celebrate than through the gifting others

This day was one of those days that felt like a week in one day. So many lives changed and different things happening. New friends made. Thank you to Carol and Steve Bruton for months of planning and collecting and asking and receiving. Culminating in this fantastic day in Ashbury, Montagu. For RAM’s 8th birthday celebration. But actually, any excuse will do to arrange another day to spoil the people of rural Montagu.

So many people helped and donated and prayed and drove from far to make it all happen. We will add individuals and companies names here tomorrow.

Presenting of home to mother and son,and a joyous celebration with neighbours.

What an amazing day RAM - Rescue Among Many  had in Ashbury, Montagu on 25 May 2019. A deserving mother and her 12 year old son received the keys to their own little nutec home. It was a great surprise and the neighbours joined in welcoming them to the community.

Many thanks are in order to all those who assisted and donated towards the building and furnishing of the home.

To John and Helen Cross this project would not have been possible were it not for your generous donation to build this beautiful small nutec home.

To Ronel Syfert, and our friends from Full House Furniture who ensured  the home to be fully furnished . Their donation included 2 single beds and Restonic mattresses, a bright red fridge, microwave oven, an oven/stove combo, stainless steel kettle, bedding and much more.

To Evans Denhere, our trusty nutec home builder who is evermore accommodating and more than happy to travel at 3 A.M. to arrive at Montagu at 5 A.M. to start working. He and his crew are exceptional.

  • Janette Ramsay, for the TV, and other goods for our new home, as well as  a R 1000.00 cash donation.
  • Kurt Peters, for the quality extension lead and spotlight.
  • John Hamman & Kidz Adventure Camp NPC K2011/123308/08, for donating furniture and blankets.
  • Bern Buchweitz Dorfman for the goods and cutlery.
  • Olin Kiewits from Change Agents South Africa, for sorting out the paperwork for this home and arranging things on the ground.

Be a change in a person's life today, ensure a better world tomorrow. The beauty of this project - joining hands to uplift others.

Spasina's home-church

Our sincere thanks to the Pastor, for the inspiring words at the unveiling of the home-church in Seder Ave. The presence of the Lord was felt and we trust that many lives will be touched here.

To Spasina who opened up her home and granted the space for the nutec home to be built. Her little home-church received an enclosed veranda, as well as a make-over - we thank you.

Tears were flowing as Carol presented them with a very symbolic cross made of seashells. The red ribbon was cut and the cross graciously received.

Thank you to Martie of who captured all the special moments on film.

RAM's birthday cocktails

Thank you to everyone that attended RAM’s birthday celebration, and for all the contributions and donations to ensure the success of the day. We shared so many special moments, the surprises flowed throughout the course of the day.

No more JanuWORRY - outreach January 2019

What a spectacular time we had! Serving folk who was so happy to receive something to eat or Toiletries to stay fresh and socks / undies for the children. Best Juices/Yogurts/Milk/Cheese, Cold meats, Coke, Sweets, Toys as most did not have a Christmas party this year.

Thank you to so many for assisting us in making a difference to our poorest folk in Montagu.

NO more JanuWORRY.

We are so taken a back at how much we received for our annual mid-January food parcel event.  Thank you Pick n Pay for this huge grand donation of 50 food bucket hampers. We are in total awe....
Thank you angel Hazel Levin for your wonderful love.

Thank you Shoprite South Africa for bread donation to go with our food parcels and serving nutritious delicious soup. Most appreciated you coming all the way from Cape Town. How blessed we were.

Thank you Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages for a whopping 60 x 1.5 litres of Coke. We are over the moon and very grateful for your assistance to RAM over many, many years. We appreciate you greatly.

Oakland Dairies thank you for the very best milk, cheese, yoghurt and juice ever!  Our Montagu poorest are getting such a wonderful gift. Thank you so so much. We are as always very appreciative and grateful.

Thank you Montagu Foods for donating 504 bottles tomato sauce. Most, most grateful. We used of our last bottles in our 100 Lt pot Spaghetti Bolognaise and it was delicious.
Thanks Sharon Hunlun for collecting. Appreciate you very much.

Thank you Desire October for your kindness in donating R500 towards our food parcels. We could pay for much needed fresh produce and vegetables, so much goodness for our rural poor!

Thanks to Alvin Oldale and company Signage Installation & Services for supplying not only our transport Friday but also supplying another vehicle and trailer Saturday with 2 staff members.

What a day with the greatest support.

Thanks goes to the team Ragmat Baron, Tasneem Peters, Kurt Peters, Mom Nasiba Baron , Renee Beck, Sharon Hunlun, Steve Bruton, and our 3 new Special Projects girls Jehaan, Safiyah & Nadheerah. Our mascots did a sterling job. They were in charge of the sweets/toys. Packing, stacking according to girls/boys. Tasneem assisted bringing complete order to the handing out. What a great experience for the 3 girls. Sharing is one of he most wholesome feelings in the world. Steve was so grateful to have Kurt's pair of helping hands.

Thank you also to Grace Church Thornton, Pastor Clifford Rutter & Peter Herring who arranged an awesome Carols by Candlelight Event in December 2018 to assist with getting donations and awareness of our January Food Drive. Thanks also to Thornton Community, Pinelands Community, ZABRA - AfreeBra initiative, Imagine Cruising SA

Even our toiletries came through in the end. Last minute bail out by Rainbow of Hope. Thank you also to angel Alison Alexander helping us with our toiletry parcels.

Happiness at WA Rossouw School in Montagu

Delivered much much needed shoes, stationery & socks. Extremely grateful staff and the governing body prayed over us. Thank you Toughees for the awesome, extremely good quality shoes.  Community Chest of the Western Cape for the hand soap dispensers and Johanna Kotze & LHL for the stationery.

New school year, brightly polished shoes. Thank you Herbert Bührer & Dare to Share

Children CD's to Juf Henda's special class. Love these children to bits. Thanks to Johanna Kotze & LHL

Our golden oldies Lingelihle old Age Home enjoying fruit bars donated by Rubi's Rainbow of Hope and yogurt and juice will be part of lunch today and for supper.

Thank you angels at Oakland Dairies, Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages, Pick n Pay, Old Mutual South Africa, Imagine Cruising SA, Imagine Holidays, Grace Church, Community Chest of the Western Cape, Oakland Dairies, Sexy Socks, Rubi's Rainbow of Hope, Johanna Kotze & LHL, Herbert Bührer & Dare to Share, Blxck. couture, Desire October, Renette Read, Rainbow of Hope, Signage Installation & Services, HOOP - Bok Radio Gemeenskaps Projek

SOS for food at ECD responded to!

We received an SOS call from one of the créches (ECD's) that we support in Montagu who needed food urgently in early January 2019. 103 children affected.
Message that we posted on our Facebook Page in January 2019: Anybody who can contribute towards food, please let us know. We are looking to leave on Thursday wee hours as a special trip. Delivery or cash donation will allow us to purchase. Chicken, veggies, tins or dry foods, fruit, potatoes, onions, sausage or any form of meats...anything will be of great help. TIA


Tears of joy, heart rendering call just received from, Simon. The owner of Imagine Cruising UK, Imagine Cruising SA, Imagine Holidays has responded to our plight post.
We got a message that R20,000 had been paid over to our account for food purchases for thie ECD. We shall spread this over a period to ensure continued support.
Thank you ROBIN DELLER our true angel, always of great assistance in our times of need. This chair is so emotionally grateful right now, we cannot thank you enough. God knows our hearts and sends us angels to bless our rural poorest.
Wishing an abundance of blessings over this company who so lovingly supports us and for the huge positive impact made to our rural children and elders.


We are so incredibly blessed

More:- Thank you Shoprite South Africa for the emergency shopping voucher of R800 at the Montagu branch to cover today & tomorrow. God is awesome.

Foods delivered in Ashbury Montagu.
Area unfortunately dark for photos, but the tums will be happy. Thanks to angels coming on board for a sos call. The children of this ECD felt the joy through the principal's tears of relief. They knew there were happiness in the air.

January 2018 Event - shoes and food blessings and more...

Our mid January month delivery is proving to be powered by blessings. January is known as the month with 45 days, as our rural folk struggle to survive after Christmas.

As we prepare to deliver school shoes & food parcels, this day has turned into so much more as we receive donations and blessings are pouring in.

This event preps started a few months ago collecting goods & particularly busy the last few weeks. God favoured this event as blessings kept flowing. We are so proud of our day. So many thanks. So many folks who showered us with love. Thank you all xxx

We extended an invitation to everyone to join us on this wonderful day initially commissioned by Sal’s Shoes UK.

Event was 19 January 2018 at Ashbury Primary School, Eike Avenue (Eikelaan) Sports grounds.

Download the poster for our event and help spread the word!


The School where all this will take place: Ashbury Primêr/Primary
Thanks to principal Johnnie Pekeur, Vice-Principal Mrs Takeloo, teachers & staff of Ashbury Primary for opening your hearts and doors for your children to receive our donors' gifts. For all the teachers /staff who are dedicating their time to work alongside us ensuring the day is one of huge blessings for our kids.

What a wonderful day! Pastor Steven and principal Pekeur handing out our food parcels to neediest identified parents. How heartwarming.

We list the donors so far and shall update as we go.

Sal's Shoes UK - flew all the way from London to Cape Town in excess of 100 pairs of shoes. Mainly school plus other casuals. They are also sending a Film Crew from Cape Town to Montagu to document our day of handovers. Thank you CJ for walking alongside RAM the last few years. You are awesome and know how much your shoes have meant looking back.

What a day of gratitude Sal's Shoes! Thank you for flying down so many pairs of shoes from the UK xx  Thanks to the Film Crew commissioned by Sal's Shoes UK - Andre & Timothy. Can't wait to see the finished video of our event.


Rubi's Rainbow of Hope - Donating in excess of 80 pairs of new Buccaneers and loads of shoes from Rondebosch Boys High plus a great amount of school shirts, shorts & trousers. In addition Rubi donated dozens of pairs of new school socks, school shirts and jerseys. Plus so much more. WOW. Thank you as always for assisting even before we can mention what we need.

What angels! Thank you Janene and Rubi for attending our event and putting in the hard work with us !! As chair it was difficult to stick to one area as I had to be all over the show, but once I saw you & Rubi in action...I knew it will be ok. Thank you for all those school and casual socks too, the kids were in heaven to receive a pair.


Toughees - Thank you for the boxed 67 pairs of School shoes as per our sizes request. Very very excited.


J.G Meiring High School- 113 pairs of shoes. What a stunning surprise they gave us. WOW, thanks Carol Muller for arranging.


Barksole - Collecting pre-loved shoes handed in by angels. We shall hand out what we have to the poor in the surrounds. Thanks Rod for bringing it to your head office for ease of collection for us.


Other HUGE blessings:

Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages - donating their awesome Truck with Stage & Sound System. WOW what a gift. And on the day donating another 1500 tins of Coke that was distributed to the needy.


Oakland Dairies Rheinette Oakland - donating 200Lts of the finest fresh milk. We shall be handing out together with our food parcels.
How can we thank you for travelling from Cape Town bringing hundreds of yogurts and donating 200lts of milk with a bigger commitment of instead of 100lts per month to a WHOPPING 300lts per month..and a talk between us to follow. God is good.


Shoprite South Africa - Sending a soup truck with 3 staff members from Cape Town to Montagu to serve 1000 cups of soup and 1000 sandwiches. WOW what a huge blessings as we normally have to cook ourselves every year plus transporting which is difficult. This is a time where most rural folk do not have any food and already desperate. You are such a blessings & know we appreciate this support greatly. Also donated other food items for our food parcels that we needed.
These wonderful angels from Shoprite serving soup and bread to approx 1300 children and parents. We tried to help but nope they had all in hand.  Thank you Shoprite South Africa we are super grateful to you. We are so proud that you were part of our day serving our poor rural children. Thanks to Tamsyn for also joining us at the event.


Imagine Cruising SA, Imagine Cruising UK, Imagine Holidays- still busy sorting out logistics and will hopefully be able to join us on the day. Your support is as always breathtaking and you played a huge role in the future of the children at this school with 10 new laptops and more. Thanks for all your support and contributions to make this day a success.


Montagu-Ashton Tourism Association - will attend to take photographs & write an article to be published. So grateful as always for your assistance. New York - We are hoping the dolls will arrive in time for our event to comfort our little hearts who have very little. See the little excited face in the picture as shown of your last donation. Super excited.


The Westin, Cape Town - Donated loads of bedding which we will distribute to the needy parents of Ashbury Primary. Also donated towels that will go to Winelands SPCA Ashton, they are always in need of this and are very thankful.


Nathan Lodewyk and Ashwin - From Crazy Hip Squad - artists who will be writing & performing a RAM Rap song in appreciation of Ram's loyal supporters. A copy of the CD will be handed to each.
A first for RAM to have a dedicated song written for our donors. WE cannot thank you enough Nathan & Ashwin. Thanks to Johnny - Coca Cola for the suggestion and Carol Muller for connecting us to the artist.

Thanks to Jonathan for this video recording of our song taken with his Cellphone...not bad! Just the beginning part of the song the wind swept our sound awayand also wind damage to two banners. No matter the studio recorded CDs will be available soon.


Alvin Oldale of Signage Installation & Services for donating much needed food for our food parcels, as well as 2 delivery vehicles fully fueled for all the shoes & goods to be delivered to the school. There is a possibility of a trailer too depending on donations.


Trips and Tracks South Africa - Jonathan & Carol Muller who also assisted us on the day. Thank you as always for your awesome support. Not only in transport but in assistance.


Community Chest - Thanks to Titania, Lynette & Yumna who joined us on the day, and for all the assistance and donations.


Rainbow of Hope - Alison Alexander - So just when we thought the much needed toiletries wasn't going to be part of this year's annual food and toiletry parcels, this angel surprises us last minute with a huge donation. Passing on what they have received abundance of, to the next person in need. Rural folks are blessed to have you as our friend.


Robyn Lisa Clifton, The Cape Town Toiletry Company & The Factory Outlet thank you for the beautiful gloves & handy pockets. Our final distribution will be done at the school. We made many NPO's happy. Thank you.


Peter Herring & Pastor Clifford Rutter - For arranging a get together at Grace Church in Thornton in December 2017. What a wonderful turnout  and enjoyed this event very much. Singing Christmas Carols & spreading joy.
Thanks for bringing friends, family, neighbors along for a beautiful evening. Let's join hands for these rural poor in the spirit of Christmas to allow us to bring an item or so of dried foods to make up food parcels. Thank you Pastor for making the venue available & your guidance too. WOW we are so blessed.


Mindfield Design for the design of the Posters and marketing material and updating the website with photos and projects as we go. Always going the extra mile to market RAM and our events.


Thanks to their parents, 2 of our Shoe Mascots will be attending and proudly be handing over shoes to our children. Our singing sensation Jinelle will be rocking you with a song or two and hopefully mom Michelle Louw will do so too. Then there's the singing dad Duncan and Michelle Hennessey, Riley's dad ...who also attended.

Our 2 mascots did a sterling job today! Jinelle became the famous singer. Everyone wanted a part of her. She is so loving and now a popular part of the school. Riley worked his charm and everyone loved him including his new best friend Rubi. Thank you to our 2 mascots for serving the community. Someday you can look back at these photos and know you made a difference. Proud of you.


We take this moment to thank GOD for giving us all the donors above & their gifts to make this a day of blessing in the lives of our rural poor. Children who will have shoes, mothers and elderly who will have a cup of soup and a sandwich & hopefully with enough foods to make up parcels. Volunteers and guests will walk away feeling richer knowing we made a difference.


Thank you Montagu Country Hotel
After months & especially the last few weeks of preparation to serve this rural school with hundreds of pairs of shoes, soup/bread, 1500 tins of Coke & loads more, Steve Bruton our stalwart, a real hero and man of steel could not drive our Vito bus back to CT due to ankle pain.
Thanks to this most awesome hotel for this beautiful accommodation & breakfast ...gifted to us.
We are eternally grateful Montagu Country Hotel.


Photo credits: 
Brenda Nicolene Davids-Strydom
Janene Levy Nates
Faith Johnson
Jonathan Muller
Sal’s Shoes
Carol Bruton

Santa function for Lingelihle Old Age Home in Zolani, Ashton

Christmas Spoils at Lingelihle Old Age Home in Zolani, Ashton - December 2017

As always we had a good time with our elders. They ask for so little and give so much warmth back to us.


Thanks to all listed for making this day a memorable one.


To:- Imagine Cruising SA Imagine Holidays & Staff for the meals & Cupcakes
To:- Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages for Coke
To:- SARS Bellville Call Centre staff and friends for all the ShoeBox gifts. As she has always done, we thank Benitha de Gouveia for collating these with precision AND given the recipient list was very very last minute. You are all great!!
To:- Shoprite South Africa for donating a blanket to each elder. xx
To:- Oakland Dairies for delicious fresh milk to drink.
To:- Signage Installation & Services for the transport, refrigeration & inverters to keep foods etc at correct temperature.
To:- Nandi the Social Worker who had some fun with us. Thank you for coming in on a Saturday. You are a stunning women.
To:- The staff of this old age home - as always we thank you for all assisting and making our events so great!


Thanks also to Ram'ers Carol Muller, Steve Bruton & Stirling Williams for assisting.
Blessings in abundance.


Santa function - 25 November 2017 #16daysofactivism

Santa Function at Talana Farm School, Montagu. A day of spoils for children and parents. Our hearts are fuzzy with excitement. The start of our #16daysofactivism

Mothers and children were held in our hearts. Thanks to all for helping us make a difference. What a wonderful day of pure blessings.

Farm worker mothers of our farm school children being spoilt with Food bucket hampers, Milk, Coke, Yogurts, Toiletry packs a meal & treats on 25 Novermber 2017 for the start of our #16daysofactivisim for Mothers & Children.


We thank each one who contributed, making this day wonderful.

Pastor Muriel Mapling all the way from Cape Town, spent some time with them with words of encouragement, her own background as a child growing up and offered a call to mothers who need help to come forward. Thank you Pastor for this wonderful service.


Imagine Holidays & Imagine Cruising SA - Thanks for loads of Shoeboxes.
Over 70 gifted by the awesome fantastic caring STAFF.

Thanks also goes to:

- Vieira's Bakery - 144 hotdog rolls & 40 Hamburger rolls. Our full order blessed are we. All freshly baked on order. Love this bakery.

Signage Installation & Services for the delivery vehicle fully fueled. We are truly very grateful. The bus is loaded to the brim so too the trailor. We had to leave lots behind, but good to go to.have a great day tomorrow!!

- Shereen Khan for donating 120 Vienna's & 60 hamburger patties, veg for our pasta salad etc in lieu of her birthday Sunday. Thanks Shereen.for your awesome kindness. Truly appreciate.

- Shoprite South Africa for all the help with the pasta salad ingredients. We hope to spoil approx 200 mouths tomorrow with a braai meal.

- Coca-Cola for supplying lovely ice cold Coke. Very grateful

- OK Bazaars Worcester, always helping out with the handing over of Coke. We truly appreciate & even the before opening hrs of your store.

- Rubi's Rainbow Of hope for the loads of books for the children.

- Thanks Trips and Tracks South Africa for the donated transport of our team.


Thanks to the RAM volunteer staff who drove all the way from Cape Town via Swellendam over to Barrydale (4hrs) to get to Montagu, Talana Road to join us. The road closure between Ashton & Montagu caused some havoc. What an awesome treat for our farm kids. Thank you as always for your blessings.

What a day for Ram, what a touching time for these folk.

#16daysofactivism #mothers #children #santa #montagu #farmschools

City Cycling Club choose RAM for Fundraising effort

We are very excited to announce that the City Cycling Club has chosen RAM for their fundraising efforts in 2018. They are already taking donations for this cause, so if you can help in any way, please view more info on the dedicated Cycle4RAM page and make a donation here.

Their Mission in 2018:

  • Use the 2018 Coronation Double Century 203km Race to raise resources for the Children of the Western Cape Winelands (Montagu and Surrounds)
  • Use a 12 man Mountain Bike Double Century Team for the fundraising efforts
  • Raise R10,000 per Child (as many as we can = Mountain Bike & Helmet (transport to and from school), Uniform and Clothing, School Fees, Stationery
  • Personally hand over the donations to the nominated recipients
  • Support the RAM Organisation in various nominated projects throughout 2018.

Poverty is an issue that more and more of our nation’s children are coming face to face with. The price that children of poverty must pay is unbelievably high. Increasing numbers of children enter rural schools with needs from circumstances, such as poverty, that schools cannot meet. Some of the factors related to poverty that may place a child at-risk for academic failure are: very young or low educational level parents; unemployment; abuse and neglect; substance abuse; dangerous neighbourhoods; homelessness; mobility; and exposure to inadequate or inappropriate educational experiences.

Mobility / Transportation can be more than just a means of getting from point A to B. Transportation interventions can be a “catalyst for development” through helping to increase attendance in the classrooms. In South Africa, for example, while the reasons for school absenteeism are varied, the five most commonly cited reasons by school principals, district officials and provincial departments are: poverty, lack of parental involvement, food insecurity and transport.

We realise the dire need for basic resources in the rural parts of the Cape Winelands area and would like to support impoverished farm workers and their families. Together we can make a real, sustainable difference!

Do you want to make a difference?

You can go to the dedicated Cycle4RAM page HERE or share this far and wide so we can reach a wide audience who can help.

What a wonderful initiative by Citycyclingclub & very first donor Bidvest SACD with a whopping R10,000. Thank you all for this wonderful initiative. A huge thanks to Freddie Mayer leading the Project. We are very appreciative of your intervention to get our kids help.

Note: We can issue you an 18A Tax Certificate for your Charity Donation.

RAM Pasta Making Event

Learn how to make your own Pasta

When: Saturday, September 30 at 1 PM - 5 PM

Venue: Whale & Marine Museum, 5 Hopkins Street, Parow West

Includes Pasta Making by Duncan, Pasta meal with Green Tossed Salad + Dessert. Tea or coffee. Come and share with us and have a fun day! Ideal for mother & daughter me time too.
You are welcome to bring your own wine or favourite drinks.

Ticket Price: R135 pp.
Limited tickets available.


Come and meet 2 of our RAM shoe project mascots.
Support by bringing your pre loved shoes along.
Gently worn clothing or blankets also most welcome.

NB: Please help us by inviting your friends and family to this event on Facebook & Share, Share, Share.

Mandela Day Soup Kitchen Ashton 2017

Our 2nd Soup kitchen with a difference!! Ashton, Western Cape SA. Previous one on 14 July in Montagu on the same basis. Our 2nd #mandeladay on 31 July 2017.

Hundreds turned out once again for something to eat, something warm to wear, a blanket for the bed, some toiletries/towels, Milk, Yogurts, and even a spoil of a glass of Coke. We also went out to serve ad hoc street folk at a distance from where we were the same day!!

Thanks to a collaboration with VGK Ashton & Change Agents South Africa aka CASA. It was beautiful to see the church so full of people and serve so many, and cumulatively normally do not see the folk together as these pictures depict.
Thanks to CASA photographer and all their agents who came to help make this day an eventful one. Thanks to members of the church who helped at the tables, taking down names/signatures and a member of the public helping in the soup kitchen.

Comprehensive toiletry packs went to Silverheads Service Centre - some elders who are bedridden will not feature in our pictures.

We need to thank these companies/entities who assisted us with the donations to mark our day fruitful. Thank you so much to each & everyone!

Imagine Cruising SA - Funding towards all shortfalls
Community Chest of the Western Cape - Toiletries, shoes, handbags
Oakland Dairies - 50 Lts of awesome milk
Cape Sun - Towels
Shoprite South Africa - all clothing & blankets!
Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages - A spoil of a favorite drink
Sonnendal Dairies - 750 delicious yogurts.
Empower & DirectAxis - Comprehensive Toiletry packs
Mindfield Design - Cash donation of which some funding went towards outstanding dry soup ingredients.
Signage Installation & Services - Transport & fuel for all this cargo!
LK Mediabook - for a blanket opportunity at Grand West at Liefde by die Arena
Rubi's Rainbow of Hope - Shoes
Taj Akleker family Trust - 90 loaves of bread
Shereen Khan & family - loads of vegetables & meat for our soups

We have been blessed abundantly. Blessings blessings blessings....