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May is RAM's birthday month: 10 years = tin

❤️  Special request - please share our poster, so more people can get involved and hear of our work. Growing the super caring RAM family!! 😘 ‼️

RAM - Rescue Among Many NPO 156-220 is celebrating 10 years in MAY! As you know 10 years = tin.
Why not support the RAM - Rescue Among Many efforts this year by donating some tin foods that we can include in our food parcels for our 10 year celebrations? We work with children, elderly, disabled, animals and farm workers that are really struggling in this COVID times, and are currently supplying food and other necessities as we can to 4 food stations (soup kitchens) in the poorest communities of Montagu.

It is our 10th birthday in May, and we are collecting non perishable food, vegetables and meat for our soup kitchen pots and monetary donations for the Wendy home we are buying to bring together 6 orphans that were all separated about a year ago when their single mother died.

1. Share our post in your feed and groups
2. Donate tin & non perishable food
3. Donate soup and food ingredients for our big pots (we are in Cape Town and can collect)
4. Donate to RAM account with the REF: 10years - every little bit helps!

EFT into the RAM Rescue Among Many bank account:
RAM Charity Projects
FNB 6255 289 5785
Branch: Century City

For international donations to PayPal:
You can find many more ways to donate here:

We thank every person and company that has already donated. You are awesome, and is making a huge difference! Many who will join us in May at our birthday celebrations. Thank you don't feel enough. Please look at our Facebook feed as we keep on thanking our donors. That is how we believe it should be done.

Please remember to SHARE this post ❤️

LeadSA heroes for the month of May 2017

In May, Carol and her husband Stephen were nominated as LeadSA heroes for the month. Carol was interviewed on the Kieno Kammies show on Cape Talk.

Here is an excerpt of the article that appeared after the interview and you can listen to the audioclip when clicking on the link.

On behalf of everyone that are involved with RAM as volunteers and contributors we want to say "Well Done!" to Carol and Steve, you really deserve any recognition that is coming your way. Keep on doing what you are doing as you are really making a difference in these community members' lives.


For the past six years, Carol and Uncle Steve Bruton have been feeding the less privileged people of Montagu, Ashton and Robertson.

They have been nominated as LeadSA heroes for the month of May.

Speaking to CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies, Carol says the project started while she was on a weekend away in Montague recuperating. She needed something to do and came across an old age home where she started helping out.

They have touched the lives of many adults and children in need by providing them with food and clothes.

From the work they are doing, they later registered an NPO Rescue Among Many (RAM Charity Projects).


Super proud and very grateful for this award!

Thank you Primedia Broadcasting & MySchool for this wonderful opportunity to chat about RAM.

And dear Sithandwa Ngwetsheni (standing next to Grampy) for all your kind patience & guidance.

We need to thank each and everyone who assisted us in achieving results especially post registration. So many companies/entities/friends/family.

And most of all, blessings in abundance. God is good.

January Outreach 2017

What a fruitful day we had delivering food, shoes, clothing, school shoes, socks, undies and toiletries to folk in need in Montagu.


Thanks to Peninsula Beverages Worcester for spending the day with RAM handing out Coca Cola. We were spoilt with something cold on a day that was 42 degrees! Johnny and staff were awesome keeping glasses filled.


We thank so many folk who helped with this delivery. We cannot do this work without your help. Thanks to each and everyone who contributed in some way or another.


We also want to thank Imagine Cruising SA for the funding and support to purchase the items we may still have needed to ensure a comprehensive food parcel. We are truly most appreciative of your assistance and care.


To Jannie Moses and staff who gave the hall and their time freely to assist RAM, thank you so much. Without you we could not have done so well. Jannie also went out to pick up the elderly who can’t walk and returned them home. He worked at it the whole day. WOW we are blessed to have this pastor work so closely with us and always so happy to assist.


Huge thanks to Sal's Shoes UK for donating shoes to our rural kids. At the end of last year hosted an in-country collection. This week the shoes collected in and around Cape Town found their new feet amongst young attendees from rural areas at an outreach event hosted by RAM. Most of the children who received a pair of Sal's Shoes were either barefoot or wearing a pair of shoes at least two sizes too small.


Thanks to Community Chest of the Western Cape for the School Shoes, socks, & toiletries we were able to hand out at a farm school.
The school sent some of the kiddies over with a teacher. Visibly they had no shoes...the other were still in class which the teacher took back to the school for hand out at the end of school day. We also gave them each socks plus the excess to the school who will distribute to the most pressing. This is normal for these kiddies not to have shoes so we are eternally grateful to present them with your wonderful gifts.


A few more photos of our event plus food parcels that we delivered to Spasina, who gives her home to run a Sunday School soup kitchen for kiddies who would otherwise not receive the Word as there are no funding for a building, according to the pastor who serves there. We have worked with Spasie for over 5 years and appreciate what she does for the community.

Thanks goes to:
Imagine Cruising SA
Caring Daisies - Kaapstad
Community Chest of the Western Cape
Sal's Shoes UK
Viking Fishing Waterfront staff
Selecta Phippi staff
Gehardt & Alicia
Andriesa & Conrad
Karin Murphy
Irene & Marianne van Dyk
Leslie Brown from Seeff Pinelands
Luis Embalo
Errol Solomon
Alvin Oldale
Samayya Davenhill
Carol Muller
Dawn Apsey


Blessings on this wonderful day was had by us all. Xxx

We're turning 5!

In 2011 my doctor recommended that I take some time off to recover from an illness. I had always wanted to stay at the Montagu Country hotel. I needed a place to go and recover and the Montagu hotel was having a special discount that suited my budget, and they really went out of their way for us. Not being one to be idle I looked around and that is where RAM was born, as during our stay there I came across a project that used to supply the poor of Montagu with seedlings to start their own vegetable gardens and I decided to visit the site. We met a lady who was chopping up butternuts for resale packets - The concept was that they helped you set up a home garden and any extra produce you could sell back to the project, and use the money to buy your meat. The project would in turn make pre-cut packets for local businesses and Saturday market stalls, and proceeds were used to buy seeds for future planting.

The lady cutting up the butternut looked cold. She was wearing layers of mismatched socks and clothing, as well as jersey that was full of holes. My husband immediately rushed to the car to fetch one of my jackets for the woman to wear (he took my most favourite jacket!) and that's when I started asking, "What else can we do?". My husband, Stephen, named the project RAM which stands for Rescue Among Many.

Five years later, RAM has played a part in so many people's lives, trying it's best that people don't go to bed hungry, have clothes on their back and for those who are in the final stages of their life, that they are living their final days in a dignified manner. Our primary concern is children, the elderly and animal shelters. This month we will be going back to the Montagu Country hotel, back to our roots and visiting the institutions that we support in that area.

The cherry on the cake will be the outing organised and sponsored by Imagine Cruising SA & UK for the learners from Talana farm school in Montagu on the 28th of May. Imagine Cruising has arranged bus collections to and from Montagu which is 2 hours from Cape Town. We hope to open the children's eyes to the possibilities that lie beyond the areas they grew up in.

Carol Bruton

Chairperson & Founder of RAM Charity projects


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